‘Tis the season

As the mountain surrounds Jerusalem so shall the Lord surrounds HIS people this day and forever.

December the 25th,

A day of great JOY in the life of billions of the people that live in the world.

A wise man once told me that true JOY meant acting to serve Jesus, Others and then You; In that order. But I want to add that in serving Jesus you serve you so its double the impact.


What does the date mean to Jesus?

A representation that the will of God the father to send us a harbinger of Grace is continually acknowledged. “… For unto us a son is born…” “… that whosoever believes may have eternal life in Christ Jesus.”

The beginning of a tedious journey for the creation of redemption and salvation. A battle for the recovery of lost souls and paths unto righteousness. A call to spread hope, love and courage both to the lowliest and highest places. To the homeless and most accomplished persons alike. That true this there is an awakening in the people to harness the powers of God the spirit. Power so limitless that it brings untold good will and favours richly abounding to all men.

An acceptance by God the son to replace the void and emptiness in the heart of men with a calling and a purpose that will be genuinely fulfilling.


What does Christmas mean to others?

Another holiday? a birthday? a wedding anniversary? new gifts? new cloths? best sales!!! You name it! It means to some others time with family, time to eat a sexy turkey, play the best games, sleep in, time to reunite with family nuclear and extended alike. In popular words “‘Tis the season to be jolly”. A time to share and have a kiss under the mistletoe. Season to uphold traditions that have been passed down and tell the children “untold stories of Santa”. To other others* it may mean nothing just another day in the month in the year of a human calendar… The list goes on.



But the most valid point is What Christmas means to me!

For me it is a time of gratitude and pure appreciation for the gifts that man cannot give that keeps on giving. A reminder of my faith and the plans of the Author and finisher of my life. An assurance that no matter how dark the daytime gets The love of Jesus Christ born without sin will be a ball of light. Light that reveals all things and makes all things beautiful in its time.


Beholden my loved ones and feeling the warmth of His embrace against all odds. An opportunity to just let go and let God.  A time to tell myself to not be ashamed of the manger because powers will positively bow before the power in me no matter where I may be. That everything in me will attract wise men and shepherds to bring gifts and recognize the birth of greatness mirrored in my existence.


Christmas to me is joy and laughter and great food because the provision of God.


Being that it is always a week to the new year. It is clearly a date for new beginnings.


I can go on and on but this is about you too. Whatever Christmas is to you is good enough as long as there is JOY. And if you want more, do not despair. Praise in advance it is on the way!



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